The MAM system is part of the Universal Webmasters Tools ( This system is based on universal framework called Universal Modular System (UNIMOSYS). This framework can integrate many modules, systems together. One interface, one management, one application, one account. All in one place.

What is a architecture of Universal Webmasters Tools?

There are two sides. Frontend side (application) and Backend side (database + client’s script).

Architecture of Universal Webmasters Tools

Our central application

PHP based application + MySQL Database
   -  Users account management
   -  Rights permissions
   -  Central management of all user’s application
   -  User can access only to own websites, databases

Client’s server, websites

client’s script + MySQL Database
   -  Independent on the frontend
   -  Stores all data required for the system (website information, logs, traffic, etc.)
   -  More modules/systems can be installed here

Mysql to Mysql communication

between Frontend and Backend


Frontend Side

Frontend Side is our central based application (UniWebTools members area), where clients have central management of all their backends – servers, websites. This frontend is php based application which takes only control on user account and their rights. All client’s data (website users, logs, traffic etc.) is stored on backend. There is only database connection from frontend to backend.

Backend Side

Backend Side is all your servers or websites, where you have installed our systems. These systems stored all data in backend database and have own client’s scripts. So these scripts and databases are completely independent and can work without any interventions from other sides (frontend side). You need only frontend application to see results of these scripts and managing data.

This solution is fine that you don’t have to install complex application on every your server, websites. This complex application is installed and upgraded on our central server.
You only install small database part and client’s script and that’s all. In our frontend you can see your new website.